CATALOGUE. 269 TYPHACE.^. Spaeganium eueycaepum, Engelm.—Swamps of the San Luis Val¬ ley (956). Spaeganium simplex, Huds.—Twin Lakes (957); swamps of the San Luis VaUey (958). LILIACE^. Feitillaeia ateopuepueea, Nutt—Nevada. Feitillaeia pudica, Spreng.—^Nevada. LiLiuM Philadelphicum, L.—Central Colorado. Lloydia seeotina, Reich.—South Park, Colorado (943). Calochoetus Nuttallii, T. & G.—Utah; also a small-flowered form from Fort Wingate, New Mexico (148). Calochoetus Gunnisoni, Watson (vol. v, King's Report, p. 348).— Central Colorado (941); also Eastern New Mexico. Leucoceinum montanum, Nutt.—Clear Creek Canon, Colorado (944). Allium ceenuum. Roth.—South Park, Colorado (948). Allium ateoeubens, S. Watson (King's Report, vol. v, plate xxxviii).— Nevada. Allium eeticulatum, Fras.—Denver, Colo. (946). Allium mutabile, Mx.—South Park, Colorado (947); Willow Spring, Arizona, 7,195 feet elevation (237). Allium scaposum, Benth.—Small-flowered form from White Mount¬ ains of Arizona, at 8,200 feet elevation (197). Vol. v. King's Report, plate xxxviii, figs. 10 and 11. Allium anceps, Kellogg.—Mineral Hill, Nevada. Camassia esculenta, Lindl —Independence Valley, Nevada. MiLLA BIFLOEA, Cav.—Southern Arizona at 5,550 feet elevation (523). EcHEANDiA* TEENIFLOEA, Ortega.—Smooth, 6'-2° high; linear leaves *EcHEANDl.i, Ortega.—Divisions of tbe perianth G, with three nerves in the middle of ejch. Stamens 6, inserted on the base of the perianth divisions, subhypogynous ; filaments retrorsely serrulate. Anthers oblong, divided below ; style somewhat club-shaped ; stigma three-lobed (slightly) aud papil¬ lose; capsule globose, 3-nelled; ovules in 2 rows in each cell; seeds orbicular, compressed ; roots fibrous- fascicled ; leaves linear, radical, ensiform ; inflorescence racemose, with two to three flowers, on jointed pedicels, from each bract.